Fish has been considered an important food for the human diet since antiquity. Fish meat contains many vitamins as well as phosphorus, which is essential for the body.
Probably for the first time the preparation of fish was thought of by peoples who lived near water bodies or near the seas
It was one of the main sources of sustenance. Therefore, experimenting with fish dishes began in ancient times, before the formation of states.
We will tell you about how you can cook fish deliciously, while not frying it.
Ingredients for amur in batter:
- White amur – pcs;
- Lemon – pcs;
- Coriander – ½ tsp;
- Thyme – ½ tsp;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Black pepper – ⅓ tsp;
- Turmeric – ½ tsp;
- Vegetable oil – tbsp;
- Carrots – pcs;
- Red pepper – ½ pcs;
- Onions – pcs;
- Garlic – 2 cloves;
- Corn flour – 100 g;
- Water – 300 ml;
- Crushed peppercorns – a pinch;
- Eggs – 2 pcs;
- Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
Cooking amur in batter:
Remove gills, fins, head and scales from the fish. First cut the amur across into 5 cm long pieces. Then divide the pieces crosswise, remove the insides and bones.
Drizzle ½ of the meat with lemon juice, sprinkle with coriander and thyme and salt. Add turmeric and ground black pepper to the fish and drizzle with vegetable oil. Dip the fish in the spices and oil and leave to marinate for an hour.
At this time, chop carrots, grate peppers and onions, press garlic cloves into the vegetable mass, mix.
In a frying pan heat vegetable oil, each piece of fish roll in flour.
Put the fillets in the frying pan, fry until golden on each side on medium heat.
Place the fish on a plate, renew the oil in the skillet. Put the vegetable mixture in the skillet, pour water, salt and sprinkle with fragrant pepper.
Put the fish in the sauce, cover with a lid and stew over medium heat for 5 minutes
The dish is ready.
In a separate bowl break eggs, salt and whisk
. Dip the rest of the fish in the egg mixture and then in wheat flour.
Put the fish pieces in a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry until golden.
As a result, you can get a couple of ways to cook fish – with gravy in the form of vegetable sauce and classic. These recipes will be a good option to diversify dinner.