The history of the origin of cakes is not known to everyone. They started baking cakes, or rather the likeness of biscuits, in ancient Greece. Then the dessert migrated to Italy. For a long time, the cake remained a sweet biscuit, which was served on the tables of the nobility. However, since the XVIII century, the history of cakes began to develop.
In England was presented the first tiered cake decorated with flowers made of cream and various figures. The cost of the cake was colossal. But, for the nobles of London were not important money. They were interested in the opinion and admiration of the public and guests. From that time on, cakes were made for all large celebrations.
Gradually, cakes ceased to be too large. Carts were replaced by simple cardboard packages. Now cakes can be made by anyone if they know the right recipe.
Cake cream ingredients:
- Eggs – 2 pcs;
- Starch – 50 g;
- Sugar – 150 g;
- Vanilla sugar – 10 g;
- Milk – 600 ml;
- Butter – 180.
Ingredients for the sponge cake:
- Water – 180 ml;
- Salt – pinch;
- Butter – 75 g;
- Flour – 110 g;
- Eggs – 4 pcs.
Cake preparation:
In a saucepan break eggs, pour starch, vanilla and classic sugar, mix the components thoroughly. Pour in a thin stream of milk, over low heat bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
After boiling cook the mass for 2-3 minutes, and then transfer it to a separate bowl. Cover the cream base in the contact with food film.
In a saucepan pour water, pour salt and put butter. Melt the butter over medium heat, pour in the flour and
knead the dough with a spatula over medium heat to form an elastic and not sticky dough.
Cool the dough slightly in a separate bowl. Beat one egg at a time into the dough and beat with a mixer.
Put the resulting sticky and thick dough into a pastry bag and
mark a round shape 20-19 cm in diameter on the parchment
Cover the circle with dough, making a large grid in the middle.
Bake the cake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Similarly create another 4-5 cakes and bake.
Beat butter with a mixer until white. Add the cooled cream base to the butter a tablespoon at a time, combine the components into a cream.
Grease each crust with cream, assemble the cake.
Grease the sides of the cake. In the holes of the last cake, use a pastry bag to pour the cream, making beautiful patterns. Crumble
the rest of the cake in a blender until it becomes crumbs
Sprinkle this crumble on the sides of the cake.
It remains to put the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
You get a delicious beautiful cake at home.