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Taught all my friends how to make a dinner like this. The juiciest and most delicious cutlets

Cutlets have become an important part of the diet of modern man. It is hard to imagine that once people did not know how to cook cutlets and did not know about the existence of this dish at all. In fact, cutlets appeared before minced meat. Originally, cutlets were cooked in France from ribs. An obligatory attribute of French cutlets is a bone of ribs, for which the meat was eaten

. But, this recipe of cutlets was rethought in the Russian Empire. There, the cutlets were chopped and made into a flattened ball. Later, these cutlets were tried by foreigners and began to cook in their homelands.

Now cutlets are not something surprising. They have entered the everyday life of any person. Let’s prepare simple cutlets, which will be a great addition to dinner.

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • Ground meat – kg;
  • Salt – tsp;
  • Black pepper – a pinch;
  • Coriander;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Starch – tbsp;
  • Milk – 50 ml;
  • Onion – pcs;
  • Sugar – tsp;
  • Vinegar – tsp;
  • Tomato sauce;
  • Dill;
  • Cilantro.

Preparation of cutlets:

Pour ½ spoon of salt, black pepper, coriander to taste into the minced meat. Press 3 garlic cloves through a press, pour starch into the mixture and mix thoroughly with your hands. Put the minced

meat into a cellophane bag, beat it and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Next, form small sausages from the minced meat.

Научила всех своих друзей готовить такой ужин. Самые сочные и вкусные котлеты

In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry the sausages until browned on both sides. At this time prepare the sauce – chop dill and cilantro, put it in the tomato sauce.

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Press a garlic clove into the sauce, mix the sauce. Separately cut onions into quarter rings, put them in a bowl.

Pour water into the bowl, add salt and sugar, vinegar.

Leave the onions to marinate for 10 minutes, and then drain the marinade


Decorate cutlets with onions.

Научила всех своих друзей готовить такой ужин. Самые сочные и вкусные котлеты

You can boil potatoes as a garnish for cutlets. This way you will get a full-fledged delicious dinner from the side dish, cutlets and sauce

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