Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetable crops, it was cultivated more than 4,500 years ago. Cabbage is considered to be native to the Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks and Romans grew cabbage, but it was very different from modern cabbage. The cabbages were large and much denser. The varieties also differed. For example, in ancient Rome they grew not only white and green cabbage, but also blue and even pink cabbage. Cabbage
is rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes it a valuable food. Today there are many varieties of cabbage, which differ in color, size and taste. A large number of dishes are prepared from cabbage, for example, cabbage casserole.
- cabbage cauliflower – 250 g;
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- salt – ⅓ tsp;
- olive oil – tbsp;
- tomato sauce – 3 tbsp;
- mozzarella;
- dill – a bunch;
- parsley – a bunch.
Preparation of cabbage casserole:
Shinkuem cabbage thin small straws. In a separate bowl mix eggs with salt and spices to taste.
Mix the shredded cabbage with the egg mixture. Grease a skillet with olive oil, place the cabbage in it and line the bottom.
Cook the casserole under the lid for 3-4 minutes, then use a flat plate to flip to the other side.
Brush the casserole with tomato paste, place mozzarella on the surface.
Cover the casserole with the lid and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Chop parsley and dill, sprinkle the casserole with herbs.
This makes a simple cabbage casserole.
For the recipe you can also use other types of cheese.