White gold – that’s what people have been calling cottage cheese since ancient times. In fact, cottage cheese is a very valuable product for the human body. The fact is that cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium. Due to the consistency of cottage cheese, these components are more quickly assimilated inside. For example, fish calcium in the human body is digested much more difficult, in addition, not in such a volume.
Therefore, you can not exclude cottage cheese from your diet. Only if there are contraindications
.It is worth giving a recipe for cooking cottage cheese sticks for a snack.
Ingredients for cottage cheese sticks with apple:
- Curd – 330 g;
- Apple – 1 pc;
- Egg – 1 pc;
- Salt – 0,5 tsp;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Sour cream – 2 tbsp;
- Raisins – 50 g;
- Flour – 280 g;
- Vanillin – 1/3 tsp;
- Leavening agent – 1 tsp.
Preparation of cottage cheese sticks with apple:
In a bowl with cottage cheese put salt and sugar, add sour cream and egg, thoroughly beat with a blender to a homogeneous thick mass. Pour vanillin and leavening agent into this mass, stir.
Grate the apple, add to the cottage cheese mixture
Wash and dry raisins, pour them into the cottage cheese. Sift flour into the mixture, knead an elastic and soft dough.
Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll each part into a 1 cm thick layer. Divide the
into small bars – sticks.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the curd dough sticks on the bottom.
Fry the sticks on medium heat on both sides until golden.
It is worth placing the sticks on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. This is a good snack option for the whole family.