One of the easiest pies to prepare is considered mannik. The fact is that this pie is considered a traditional dish of the Slavic peoples. For the first time about mannika began to write in chronicles and other books in the XII century. However, there is an assumption that the mannikin appeared earlier, in the X century.
Perhaps, the mannikin was borrowed from the inhabitants of the East. There, instead of mannika, they prepare a cake similar in ingredients.
We will tell you how to cook mannika deliciously and quickly.
Ingredients for mannikin:
- kefir – 400 ml;
- semolina – 320 g;
- sugar – 180 g;
- butter – 100 g;
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- vanilla extract – tsp;
- leavening agent – 10 g;
- salt – a pinch.
Preparation of mannikin:
Combine kefir and semolina in a bowl, stir. Leave this mixture for 15 minutes until the semolina swells.
Mix in a separate bowl soft butter, vanilla extract and granulated sugar. Break the eggs into the mixture, mix thoroughly until homogeneous.
Pour baking powder into the cream mixture, salt and continue mixing. Combine the semolina and cream mixture in a bowl and knead the semolina dough.
Transfer the dough to a 24 cm baking dish. Bake the mannikin at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
You can add fruit or raisins to the pie while kneading the dough.
After cooking, it is recommended to sprinkle the mannikin with powdered sugar.