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The most delicious recipe made with onions. This is how my grandmother used to cook: ruddy onion pancakes

Onions are not liked by all people on our planet. There is a huge number of jokes about not adding this vegetable to food. However, as practice shows, without onions, onions lose their former flavor and become more bland.

Finding onions and introducing them into cultivated plants was an important step for the entire culinary industry. For the first time this vegetable was consumed in the territory of modern Afghanistan. This is where the most delicious onions are still grown. Probably, a favorable climate played a big role in the formation of this vegetable.

Onions were described in the Bible, mentioned by the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. Most likely, people were fascinated by the healing properties of the vegetable and its flavor characteristics.

Today we will prepare unusual onion drainiki


Ingredients for onion pancakes:

  • onions – 3 pcs;
  • garlic – a clove;
  • semolina – 6 tablespoons;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • tomato sauce – 100 ml;
  • paprika – ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 45 ml;
  • thyme – pinch;
  • leavening agent – 10 g;
  • ground black pepper – a pinch.

Preparation of onion pancakes:

Onions should be rid of the husks and cut into small cubes. In a bowl, combine onion slices and semolina, break eggs into the mixture.

Add paprika, thyme and ground black pepper to the


, mix well.

Самый вкусный рецепт из лука. Так готовила моя бабушка: румяные луковые драники

Leave the mixture in the heat with a plastic wrap for 15 minutes.

Самый вкусный рецепт из лука. Так готовила моя бабушка: румяные луковые драники

To the mixture pour leavening agent, mix and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil. It is necessary that both sides of the pancakes become ruddy and golden.

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Самый вкусный рецепт из лука. Так готовила моя бабушка: румяные луковые драники

Pour the tomato sauce on the bottom of the pan, stew the pancakes under a lid for 5-7 minutes. At this time, you can run a clove of garlic through a press and mix with sour cream.

Самый вкусный рецепт из лука. Так готовила моя бабушка: румяные луковые драники

As a result, we have uncomplicated draniki in a new version. This is a great appetizer with a topical sauce.

Самый вкусный рецепт из лука. Так готовила моя бабушка: румяные луковые драники

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