Many people prefer to cook cutlets in a frying pan rather than in an oven. The fact is that in the frying pan it is faster to fry this meat product.
However, sometimes cutlets from the frying pan turn out undercooked inside and heavily fried on the outside. Also, minced meat absorbs a lot of vegetable oil, which is unpalatable and harmful to the body.
For these reasons, you should refuse to use a frying pan for the main stage of cooking cutlets. The oven is a safer and more correct option in order to get a tasty and juicy dish.
We will tell you how you can make juicy cutlets in the oven.
Ingredients for cutlets:
- veal minced meat – 900 g;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- onion – 3 pieces;
- tomatoes – 4 pcs;
- bread – 6 pieces;
- milk – 100 ml;
- granulated garlic – ½ tsp;
- paprika – ½ tsp.
Preparation of cutlets:
Along the tomatoes make a small incision and put them in a baking dish. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave them for 3-4 minutes.
Cut large slices of onion, chop in a blender to the state of mush. Soak bread in milk, and then send it to the blender to the onion, without squeezing out the liquid.
In the blender, chop bread and onion, this mass is combined with minced meat
Add salt, granulated garlic and paprika to the meat mixture.
Remove the skin from the tomatoes, put them in a blender and grind them to a paste. Pour the tomato mixture into the minced meat, mix the components until homogeneous.
Cover a baking tray with parchment, lay the formed small cutlets on it. Bake them in the oven at 200 degrees for about 35-40 minutes.
The tomato gives the cutlets a slightly noticeable tomato flavor. This is a juicy meat product that can be served with mashed potatoes or pasta, cereals.