Strawberries are quite an amazing berry that grows on the territory of our country. Many people grow strawberries in their own vegetable gardens, since in stores this berry is expensive. Strawberries
have a younger relative – strawberries
In botanical books, both types of berries belong to the same biological genus.
To eat strawberries should definitely be consumed by people suffering from a lack of vitamin C. The berry has a large accumulation of this vitamin
. Let’s tell you how to prepare a delicious dessert for tea from strawberries.
Ingredients for strawberry cake:
- strawberries – 300 g;
- raspberries – 300 g;
- black currants – 200 g;
- cottage cheese – 300 g;
- sour cream – 500 g;
- sugar – 200 g;
- vanilla sugar – 10 g;
- gelatin – 40 g;
- water – 100 ml;
- cookies – 200 g.
Preparation of strawberry cake:
In a saucepan pour gelatin, pour water and wait for swelling for 15 minutes. At this time, mix in a separate container cottage cheese with sour cream, classic and vanilla sugars. Using an immersion blender, whip the cottage cheese mixture to a homogeneous creamy mass.
In a baking mold or pastry ring (18 cm in diameter) lay parchment on the bottom and walls, grease with vegetable oil. On a water bath melt gelatin, without bringing to a boil
. On the bottom of the mold lay the cookies. It is desirable to break it into several small pieces.
Mix the cottage cheese mass with gelatin, and then add strawberries, currants and raspberries.
Transfer the resulting mixture to the layer of cookies, level the surface.
Send the cake for a couple of hours in the refrigerator to harden.
Decorate the cake before sending it to the refrigerator. Chocolate, berries and other fruits can be used as decorations.