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Top 3 favorite sandwich spreads. Pâtés for all tastes

A pâté is usually a dish made of meat components put through a meat grinder. Pates appeared quite a long time ago, in the Middle Ages.

Of course, in those ancient times, no one knew about the vegetarian and vegan movement.

Now we live in a completely different, more tolerant time. Therefore, we will provide you with several recipes for vegetable pates for every taste.

Ingredients for carrot pate:

  • onions – pcs;
  • processed cheese – 90 g;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • egg – pcs.

Preparation of carrot pate:

Cut the onion into quarter rings, and chop the carrots on small sharps grater. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan until soft.

Pre-boiled egg together with cheese rubbed finely, send in a container to the fried vegetables. Pass the ingredients through a blender, turning the mixture into a homogeneous mass. This pâté is put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Топ 3 любимых намазок для бутербродов. Паштеты на любой вкус

Ingredients for herring spread:

  • herring fillet – 160 g;
  • melted cheese – 90 g;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • butter – 30 g.

Preparation of herring spread:

Boil to a soft state carrots, peel and shred on a grater. Similarly rub melted cheese, as well as butter into a container with a vegetable.

Herring get rid of the bones and skin, cut into small pieces


Transfer the fish to the general mixture, grind with a blender into a homogeneous porridge. Let the pate insist in a cold place for 3 hours.

Топ 3 любимых намазок для бутербродов. Паштеты на любой вкус

Ingredients for garlic pate:

  • cheese – 70 g;
  • garlic – a clove;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise – tbsp.

Preparation of garlic pate:

Boil hard-boiled eggs and chop on small grater cloves. Also grate hard cheese, press a clove of garlic

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. Combine the chopped products, dress with mayonnaise and mix well. Wait for the pate to infuse in the refrigerator for an hour.

Топ 3 любимых намазок для бутербродов. Паштеты на любой вкус

All recipes for pâté are quite simple and budgetary. You can find the set of products that suits you.

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