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Useful desserts without sugar. Simple and delicious: 2 quick recipes

How often do you consume sugar in your food? Probably, everyone at least once thought about the benefits and harms of this white sweet sand.

Sugar is not unambiguously harmful product, but its consumption can have some negative consequences for health, especially when consumed in excess. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to weight gain and obesity It contains a lot of calories but has no nutritional value. There is a risk of developing diabetes as blood sugar levels rise

However, it is important to note that these negative effects are associated with excessive sugar consumption rather than moderate consumption

.Let’s prepare healthy sugar-free desserts



  • prunes – 70 g;
  • apricots – 70 g;
  • walnuts – 100 g;
  • hazelnuts – 100 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • hot water – 120 ml;
  • Greek yogurt – 400 g;
  • dried cranberries – 55 g.

Preparation of the dessert:

Pour boiling water over apricots and prunes, let the dried fruits soften. In a dry frying pan on medium heat fry hazelnuts and


until golden color.

Then chop walnuts and hazelnuts with a knife. Dry apricots and prunes with a paper towel, and then cut into small pieces.

Pour hot water to the gelatin, stir and leave to swell


Transfer the gelatin to the Greek yogurt, stir.

Remove the top of the juice or milk carton


Pour the nuts, dried fruit and dried cranberries into the Greek yogurt and mix. Pour

the contents of the bowl into the milk carton


Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Полезные десерты без сахара. Просто и вкусно: 2 быстрых рецепта

It remains only to remove the package carefully and take out the dessert. Excellent jelly with dried fruits and nuts without sugar is ready.


  • butter – 100 g;
  • brown sugar – 80 g;
  • vanilla;
  • egg – pcs;
  • salt – pinch;
  • flour – 160 g;
  • leavening agent – 1 tsp;
  • chocolate shavings – 100 g.
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Preparation of the dessert:

Mix soft butter with brown sugar and vanilla. In a separate bowl break the egg and beat thoroughly with a pinch of salt.

Pour the egg in batches into the cream mixture and stir. Sift the flour and baking powder into the mixture and knead the dough with a spatula

. Pour the chocolate shavings into the dough and continue mixing. Shape the dough into small rolls

, then place the remaining shavings on top of each roll and flatten slightly.

Полезные десерты без сахара. Просто и вкусно: 2 быстрых рецепта

Leave the dessert in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.

Then bake the cookies at 190 degrees for 12-13 minutes.

Полезные десерты без сахара. Просто и вкусно: 2 быстрых рецепта

It makes a great substitute for regular calorie cookies. Coconut sugar is also acceptable in place of brown sugar in the recipe.

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