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Using yesterday’s rice or potatoes. Top recipe with affordable products

Rice is one of the most consumed cereals across the globe. This is not surprising as the biggest fans of rice are Asians. As we know, China is the second most populous country after India. Accordingly, rice has a special status in these countries. Rice

is used in Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand and India to make many different foods. Starting with typical sushi and ending with special rice flour.

Cultivation for consumption started by the Chinese about 7000 years ago. Back then, Cathay took up more space than it does in modern times. In fact, the first rice plantations were located on the territory of Vietnam.

We will show you one of the interesting recipes for rice cutlets from friends of the Asians


Ingredients for rice cutlets:

  • rice – 200 g;
  • cream – 300 ml;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • flour – tbsp;
  • onion – pcs.;
  • butter – tbsp;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • mushrooms – 4 pcs;
  • chicken egg – pcs;
  • oregano – ½ tsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper – a pinch.

Preparation of rice cutlets:

Rice well rinsed, boiled in salted boiling water for 29 minutes. Potatoes should be peeled, cut into 4 slices, boiled separately from rice until ready.

Onions should be cut into small squares and fried in a small amount of oil until golden. After cooking potatoes after cooking, knead them to a mashed state.

Chop carrots on small grated teeth, put them to the onions. Fry the vegetables for a couple of minutes, integrate into the mashed potatoes. Add the potato, onion and carrot mixture to the boiled rice.

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Break an egg into the rice mixture, salt, add ground black pepper and oregano.

Использую вчерашний рис или картофель. Топовый рецепт из доступных продуктов

Mix the ingredients and form small cutlets.

Использую вчерашний рис или картофель. Топовый рецепт из доступных продуктов

Fry the rice cutlets over medium heat in a skillet until browned.

Использую вчерашний рис или картофель. Топовый рецепт из доступных продуктов

Cut into small cubes pre-treated mushrooms. Separately fry the mushroom mixture in a skillet with butter. When the mushrooms give moisture, you can pour flour into the pan, mix the products well.

Add cream to the fried mushrooms, cook until thickened for about 10 minutes.

Использую вчерашний рис или картофель. Топовый рецепт из доступных продуктов

Thus, we get good vegetarian cutlets with mushroom sauce. An excellent substitute for meat products for people who want to diversify their diet.

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