The attitude towards buckwheat in a large number of countries is very mediocre. In Europe and America, this product can be found only in small stores with a bias towards the cuisine of our country.
In Asia, there is no buckwheat groats, you will not find them even in special stores. This is probably due to the fact that the Japanese and Chinese prefer to eat rice rather than buckwheat.
Many foreigners visiting our country are surprised that we have such a product as buckwheat groats
In Germany and France, it is fed mainly only to birds. The
potential of this groat is unjustifiably forgotten abroad. From buckwheat you can prepare many delicious dishes, for example, cutlets.
Ingredients for buckwheat cutlets:
- buckwheat groats – 300 g;
- breadcrumbs – 2 tablespoons;
- water – 500 ml;
- garlic – 2 cloves;
- eggs – 3 pcs;
- paprika – tsp;
- onion – pcs;
- ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
- carrots – pcs;
- butter – 2 tablespoons;
- vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons;
- salt – tsp.
Preparation of buckwheat cutlets:
Boil buckwheat in boiling water with salt until ready. Put a piece of butter in the hot groats, melt it in the buckwheat.
Cut a small diced onion and fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden. Grate carrots and add them to the onion. Fry the vegetables together with paprika and ground black pepper.
Break a couple of eggs into buckwheat, grind the groats into a homogeneous mass with an immersion blender. To the mixture add fried vegetables, grated garlic cloves and another egg.
Mix the components together with buckwheat porridge.
Soak your hands in water, form cutlets from the mass, dip them in breadcrumbs on both sides.
On a large amount of oil in a frying pan fry the cutlets on each side until golden.
These cutlets will be a good substitute for a meat dish.
They can be served together with a side dish of mashed potatoes or salad.