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White cabbage in batter: a simple recipe. Delicious and unusual

Cabbage dishes are considered healthy. But, not for everyone and not always they are delicious. The fact is that cabbage has a specific taste that not everyone likes. It even depends on the physiology of a person. Often cabbage is considered an enemy for children, especially cauliflower. How to accustom yourself to eating cabbage?

To love this vegetable is quite simple. You need to learn how to prepare it so that it was accustomed to the body. As a rule, a dish in batter is habitual. Therefore, cabbage should also try to fry in batter. This is not the healthiest recipe. However, it will be a start to liking this vegetable.

Ingredients for cabbage in batter:

  • cabbage – cauliflower;
  • carbonated water – 100 ml;
  • flour – 4 tbsp;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sour cream – tbsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of cabbage in batter:

Clean the cabbage from the top leaves and pith, lower it into a pot of boiling water and cook. Gradually remove the top leaves from the cabbage.

Cut the leaves into small equal squares, stack 3 leaves on top of each other.

Белокочанная капуста в кляре: простой рецепт. Вкусно и необычно

For the batter, divide the yolks and whites, mix the yolks with flour.

Add sour cream and salt to the yolk mixture. Beat the whites until fluffy and add to the yolk batter, gradually pour soda water.

Белокочанная капуста в кляре: простой рецепт. Вкусно и необычно

Dip each stack of cabbage squares in the batter and place in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Белокочанная капуста в кляре: простой рецепт. Вкусно и необычно

Fry the cabbage on both sides over medium heat until browned.

Белокочанная капуста в кляре: простой рецепт. Вкусно и необычно

You get cabbage in batter. Also in the batter, if desired, you can add your favorite spices, black pepper, paprika, thyme.