Medovik is one of the most widespread cakes on the territory of our country. Actually, it was invented by the confectioners of our state in the XVIII century under Elizabeth Alexeevna.
This cake has traveled an incredibly long way before it became the property of the motherland
There is an assumption that after the revolution, this dessert began to change a lot. The fact is that the new authorities wanted to get rid of the favorite cake of the emperors.
However, it was difficult to fight with the dessert. Therefore, it was decided not to abolish the cake.
Now every hostess has her own way of preparing honeydew
At the same time, the algorithm of cooking actions is preserved. For example, the quenching of soda in honey. For what is this process necessary?
Erroneous judgment
Among ordinary people there is an opinion that soda in honey performs the role of a kind of leavening agent. As if the dough combined with honey soda becomes more loose. However, having conducted an experiment of cooking Medovik without soda proved that the soda does not give the crusts a loose consistency. Then the question remains open – what is the purpose of baking soda in honey?
How does baking soda work in honey?
In order to get a reaction between honey and soda, you need to follow a number of chemical rules.
First, soda will only react in the presence of high temperature. It is this attribute that allows the baking soda to develop a reaction with the second component.
Second, high temperature alone is not enough to maintain the reaction. Honey combined with butter and granulated sugar gives an acidic environment, which gives the bulk component a longer time to preserve the reaction.
But, after the honey caramel cools, the reaction formed in the form of lush foam disappears
This means that the reaction does not reach the dough, so it does not affect the looseness.
What is the secret of soda for cooking honeydew?
Soda is necessary in order to caramelize honey faster. The fact is that this product for the reaction should either be strongly heated, or add soda to speed up the process. In addition, soda is able to give a brighter taste for honey caramel and a characteristic color of the cakes.