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Why meat is tied with twine. Why it is necessary and how it affects the flavor of meat

Why do you tie meat with culinary twine when baking? For many people, this culinary ritual raises many questions. The

fact is that not everyone knows how important this process is.

Tying meat has many positive aspects. For example, more juice is preserved in a piece of pork, beef or chicken. The meat does not fall apart during cooking and retains its structure.

Why can meat lose its shape without twine?

During heat treatment a piece of meat changes its shape and becomes more pliable. Not only the shape changes, but also the color and even the weight. This affects the appearance of the dish. That is, serving meat in twine is more advantageous for aesthetic reasons.

How does twine affect the dryness of meat?

When baking, the fibers in the meat begin to deform. The moisture that was in between the fibers comes out. In order to keep more juice inside, it is worth tying a piece of meat before baking

. It should be understood that a certain percentage of juice will still be released from the meat. The twine cannot 100% guarantee that the dish will not be dry. This factor also depends on the temperature and marinade of the product.

How to use twine correctly?

First we squeeze the piece of meat with our hands, and then make a tie with twine. Tie in rings at an interval of 1-3 cm.

If you follow the rules of cooking with twine, you can get a restaurant dish.

Зачем мясо перевязывают бечевкой. Для чего это нужно и как влияет на вкус мяса