Beets are without a doubt one of the healthiest vegetables for humans. However, many people still prefer to replace this vegetable with others. What is the reason for the refusal of useful beets?
In the course of numerous surveys, it was found that cooking beets takes a large amount of time. At the same time, the vegetable leaves a deposit in the dishes, an unpleasant odor and does not always turn out delicious.
When baking beets, a lot of electrical energy is spent, which is also not economical.
For this reason, it is worth offering you a way to quickly and easily boil beets
For this you will need a standard set: a pot, a stove and beets. Also necessarily for this method you need a cellophane bag.
Before cooking, we peel the beets from the peel. Small beets cut in half, and large beets into 4-6 pieces.
Transfer the beets into a cellophane bag and completely pump out the air. This way the beets will not float during cooking.
Pay attention! Together with the beets in the bag put sugar. Otherwise we will lose the rich color of the vegetable.
Make sure that the bag does not have holes. Otherwise, the proper result is not worth waiting for. Tightly tie the bag, put a pot of water on the stove and wait for boiling.
After boiling, we send the beets in cellophane into the water and cook for 25-30 minutes.
As a result, we have delicious boiled sweet beets without odor. Cooked beets quickly, does not stain the dishes.
If you doubt the safety of such cooking because of the cellophane bag, then it can be replaced by a sleeve for baking. It is safer and definitely does not emit toxic substances during cooking.