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You don’t even have to fry it. Cooking fish is simple and delicious: I didn’t believe it until I tested the recipe

While cooking fish used to take a lot of time for cooks, now this problem is solved quite simply. It is no longer necessary to defrost fish for a long time and prepare an intricate sauce. You can make fish on an onion pillow. This traditional recipe for coastal cities has always delighted with its speed and flavor.

Moreover, it is not necessary to cook only expensive fish like salmon or tuna. Onion pillow turns out delicious even hake and pollock. Fish with a minimum amount of fat and juice still turns out perfectly. The

fact is that the onion helps not only to preserve the liquid inside the fish, but also gives up some of its juice.

Let’s cook baked hake on an onion pillow


Ingredients for baked hake:

  • fish – 2 pcs;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • dried garlic – 1/2 tsp;
  • oregano – 1 tsp;
  • basil – 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1/2 tsp;
  • paprika – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • onion – 3 pcs;
  • potatoes – 6 pcs;
  • butter – 50 g.

Preparation of baked hake:

Divide thawed and cleaned hake into small pieces, salt, pepper, sprinkle with dried garlic, oregano, basil and paprika.

Water the fish with 50 ml of vegetable oil and mix the fish with spices


Даже жарить не надо. Готовлю рыбу просто и вкусно: не верил, пока не проверил рецепт

Cut onions into half rings and put them on the baking tray. Salt the onion, sprinkle with pepper and oregano, put the marinated fish on it and cover with foil.

Даже жарить не надо. Готовлю рыбу просто и вкусно: не верил, пока не проверил рецепт

Boil the potatoes for 5-6 minutes, split each one in two and create incisions on the surface. Lay the potatoes on a baking tray, salt and pepper, pour vegetable oil.

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Даже жарить не надо. Готовлю рыбу просто и вкусно: не верил, пока не проверил рецепт

Bake potatoes and fish in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove the potatoes beforehand and put a piece of butter on each one, send back to the oven.

Даже жарить не надо. Готовлю рыбу просто и вкусно: не верил, пока не проверил рецепт

It turns out a dinner of hake on an onion pillow with baked potatoes. A hearty and tasty dish for every day.

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