Chicken breast is considered one of the healthiest foods for weight loss. This part of the chicken is included in most diets. The fact is that in chicken breast is a large number of vitamins – PP, A, B, C and H. Also in the meat there is choline, which is often lacking in the body.
With all the benefits of breast, some
do not often eat it.
Simply for people, chicken breast is associated with boiled tasteless meat. Let’s cook chicken breast juicy and hearty – make chicken rolls.
Ingredients for chicken rolls:
- chicken breast – 3 pcs;
- mayonnaise – 2 tablespoons;
- mustard – tsp;
- parsley – a bundle;
- Fontina cheese – 150 g;
- garlic – 2 cloves;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- black pepper – a pinch.
Preparation of chicken rolls:
Each half of the chicken breast is divided into thin steaks, which are beaten with a hammer on both sides. Sprinkle the chicken steaks with salt and ground black pepper. You can sprinkle the steaks with paprika to taste.
In a separate bowl mix mayonnaise and mustard.
Chop parsley and garlic cloves finely, grate cheese, mix the components together.
Smear chicken steaks with mayonnaise and mustard sauce. Put the cheese filling on the surface, roll the steaks into rolls.
Grease the baking dish with olive oil and place the rolls on the bottom.
Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 40 minutes.
After the main baking you can sprinkle the rolls with cheese and continue cooking in the oven for another 5 minutes. We also recommend sprinkling the rolls with chopped herbs.