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Your husband will carry you in his arms for this recipe. These zucchini rolls are delicious.

Cooking dishes from zucchini is an interesting activity. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the charm of this vegetable. The fact is that zucchini can be prepared with many dishes. For example, they are used as a garnish to fried meat.

Especially a lot of zucchini should be consumed in the summer period, when they are young.

Zucchini contains a fairly large accumulation of vitamins and minerals. Together with other vegetables, zucchini can strengthen the immune system.

Let’s prepare zucchini rolls with an interesting filling.

Ingredients for zucchini rolls:

  • Zucchini – 5 pcs;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Boiled eggs – 6 pcs;
  • Flour – 100 g;
  • Melted cheese – 2 pcs;
  • Garlic – 10 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Dill – a bunch;
  • Tomato – pcs;
  • Parsley – a bunch.

Preparation of zucchini rolls:

Remove the stalk from the zucchini, cut lengthwise into plates of 5-6 mm. Beat eggs in a flat plate, pour flour separately. Dip zucchini plates in flour, then in egg mixture and again in flour.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan


fry zucchini plates for a couple of minutes on each side.

За этот рецепт муж будет носить вас на руках. Ну очень вкусные рулетики из кабачков

За этот рецепт муж будет носить вас на руках. Ну очень вкусные рулетики из кабачков

To prepare the filling in a deep container, chop boiled eggs on a coarse grater

. Chop similarly in a container melted frozen cheese. Press garlic cloves through the press and add to the stuffing.

Salt the stuffing, put in it chopped dill. Fill the


with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Cut tomato into small half-rings

. Put the stuffing on the zucchini plate, making a small indentation from the edge. At the beginning of the indentation put the tomato with a sprig of parsley, roll the plate into a roll.

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За этот рецепт муж будет носить вас на руках. Ну очень вкусные рулетики из кабачков

Fix the roll with toothpicks.

За этот рецепт муж будет носить вас на руках. Ну очень вкусные рулетики из кабачков

It is not necessary to dice the tomatoes, as the separated juice will spoil the zucchini plates.

Instead of mayonnaise, sour cream also works well for the filling.

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