Zrazy can be prepared not only from minced meat, but also from leftover potatoes. In some countries, this solution is even more popular. As a stuffing, you can use any products that are available in the kitchen.
Over the years of the dish’s existence, cooks began to diversify it with vegetables, porridge, although classically only onions and eggs were used. As a result, the treat became universal. We will cook potato zrazy with meat stuffing and complement them with a delicious gravy with mushrooms.
Ingredients for zrazy:
- potatoes – 1 kg;
- onion – 2 pcs;
- minced meat – 350 g;
- mushrooms – 10-12 pcs;
- flour – 5 tbsp;
- cream 10-15% – 200 ml;
- water – 50 ml;
- egg – pcs;
- green onion;
- vegetable oil;
- nutmeg – pinch;
- salt, black pepper.
Preparation of zrazas:
First of all, we make the stuffing. Finely chop the onion and send it to fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil. 2 minutes is enough. Here we also send 350 grams of minced meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook
7-10 minutes.
For the preparation of watering cut mushrooms and finely chop onions.
Add salt, black pepper and a pinch of nutmeg
Cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of flour. Stir well. Pour in the cream and water. When the frying boils, we finish cooking for another 3 minutes.
Next, boil 1 kg of potatoes in salted water. Turn into mashed potatoes and let them cool. Break one chicken egg to it and decorate with greens.
Parsley is best.
Pour in 2-4 tablespoons of flour, stir.
Pour a small amount of flour on a saucer. Form the mashed potatoes into a flatbread, put the filling in the middle.
Pinch the edges. Dip the patty in flour.
Fry on a frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until golden.
Everything is ready! Taste.